____  ______  __     _ _ __  __       ____  _    _   _ ____ 
|  _ \/ ___\ \/ /    / / |  \/  |     |  _ \| |  | | | / ___|
| |_) \___ \\  /_____| | | |\/| |_____| |_) | |  | | | \___ \
 |  _ < ___) /  \_____| | | |  | |_____|  __/| |__| |_| |___) |
|_| \_\____/_/\_\    |_|_|_|  |_|     |_|   |_____\___/|____/
 ______   ______   ____ _____ _   _
/ ___\ \ / / ___| / ___| ____| \ | |
\___ \\ V /\___ \| |  _|  _| |  \| |
 ___) || |  ___) | |_| | |___| |\  |
|____/ |_| |____/ \____|_____|_| \_|

In questa pagina genereremo il core di RSX-11M-Plus in modo che possa essere eseguito correttamente ed in maniera ottimizzata sul nostro sistema, al fine di poter ottenere questo ci sono utili particolarmente tre cose: Il manuale dell'emulatore PDP11 disponibile nella directory doc dei sorgenti di SIMH scaricati da GitHUB, il file di configurazione che stiamo utilizzando per il nostro emulatore e la console dell'emulatore.

Nel manuale abbiamo evidenza di tutti i dispositivi supportati e dello schema di indirizzamento utilizzato a seconda del modello di PDP11 emulato, nel file di configurazione invece abbiamo i dispositivi attualmente configurati.

Ad esempio, se abbiamo configurato nel sistema il controller per 8 linee terminale DZ11 (DZ11 8-line terminal multiplexer):

; ###SimH Console###
set dz enable
set dz lines=8
attach dz 11000

Utilizzando la console dell'emulatore vedremo a quale indirizzo viene mappato il controller (e tutti gli altri dispositivi del sistema), questo è possibile sia ad emulatore fermo che ad emulatore funzionante. Ad emulatore funzionante abbiamo due modi per accedere all console:

Ad esempio nel nostro caso abbiamo configurato la console remota in telnet sulla porta 2050:

; ###Emulator Console###
set remote telnet=2050

Quindi facendo telnet sulla porta 2050 otteniamo l'accesso alla console mentre l'emulatore è ancora in emulazione attiva (L'emulatore appena collegati ci riporterà gli ultimi comandi eseguiti, in questo esempio vengono tralasciati):

# telnet localhost 2050
Connected to linux-SIMH.
Escape character is '^]'.

Connected to the PDP-11 simulator REM-CON device

PDP-11 Remote Console
Enter single commands or to enter multiple command mode enter the ^E character
Simulator Running...

Notate che il prompt non viene visualizzato, comunque l'emulatore è in attesa di ricevere comandi.
Chiediamogli di mostrarci su quale indirizzo è mappato il controller DZ11 (non appena scriviamo ci verrà mostrato il prompt):

sim> show dz
DZ    address=17760100-17760117*, vector=300-314*, BR5, lines=8
    attached to 11000, 8b, 0 current connections

L'asterisco sta ad indicare che l'indirizzo (memoria/vettore) è stato configurato automaticamente dalla funzionalità di autoconfigurazione.

Per vedere la mappatura di tutti dispositivi possiamo dare il comando SHOW CPU IOSPACE

sim> show cpu iospace
      Address         Vector  BR # Device
-------------------- -------- -- - ------
17760100 - 17760117* 300-314   5 2 DZ
17772150 - 17772153            5 1 RQ
17772200 - 17772277              1 CPU
17772300 - 17772317              1 CPU
17772320 - 17772337              1 CPU
17772340 - 17772357              1 CPU
17772360 - 17772377              1 CPU
17772516 - 17772517              1 CPU
17772520 - 17772523  224       5 1 TS
17774400 - 17774411  160       5 1 RL
17774440 - 17774457            5 1 XQ
17774500 - 17774503            5 1 TQ
17776700 - 17776753  254       5 1 RHA
17777170 - 17777173  264       5 1 RX
17777514 - 17777517  200       4 1 LPT
17777520 - 17777527              1 CPU
17777546 - 17777547  100       6 1 CLK
17777550 - 17777553  070       4 1 PTR
17777554 - 17777557  074       4 1 PTP
17777560 - 17777563  060       4 1 TTI
17777564 - 17777567  064       4 1 TTO
17777572 - 17777577              1 CPU
17777600 - 17777617              1 CPU
17777620 - 17777637              1 CPU
17777640 - 17777657              1 CPU
17777660 - 17777677              1 CPU
17777740 - 17777775              1 CPU
17777776 - 17777777              1 CPU

Per uscire dalla console utilizziamo il disconnect del telnet con la combo <CTRL-]> e poi quit

telnet> quit
Connection closed.

Bene a questo punto è ora di iniziare la procedura di generazione del file di sistema. :)
Continuiamo da dova abbiamo lasciato il sistema dopo l'installazione del sistema operativo.

Prima di tutto accertiamoci di essere nella directory [200,200] dove risiedono i files per la procedura SYSGEN:

DB0:[200,200]  Nonamed  TT0:
Protection UIC:  [200,200]


Ora lanciamo il SYSGEN.



>; RSX-11M-PLUS  V4.6  BL87  SYSGEN 


>; Copyright (c) 1995-1999 by Mentec Inc., U.S.A.




>; To exit from the SYSGEN procedure at any time, type CTRL/Z.


>; If you are unsure of the answer to a question for which a de-

>; fault answer exists, use the default answer.





>;  Choosing SYSGEN Options      19-MAR-20 at 16:26





>; Every question is preceded by a question number (for example SU010)

>; which you can use to find the explanation of the question in the

>; RSX-11M-PLUS System Generation and Installation Guide.


>; An explanation of every question is also available by pressing

>; the ESC key (or the ALTMODE key) in response to the question.


>; If you are unfamiliar with the SYSGEN procedure, the explanation of

>; each question can be printed automatically before the question.


Ora ci viene chiesto se vogliamo le spiegazioni, come dire di no? :)

>* SU010   Do you always want the explanation printed? [Y/N D:N]: Y


>; SYSGEN always creates saved answer files containing your responses

>; to the SYSGEN questions:


>;    SYSGENSA1.CMD     Setup questions, Executive options

>;    SYSGENSA2.CMD     Peripheral configuration

>;    SYSGENSA3.CMD     Nonprivileged task builds


>; You should perform a PREPGEN first to create saved answer files, and

>; then perform a SYSGEN, specifying those saved answer files as input

>; to the Executive, peripheral, and nonprivileged task build sections.


>; If you have performed a SYSGEN (or PREPGEN) before, you can use the

>; saved answer file created during that SYSGEN as input to this SYSGEN.

>; SYSGEN uses the saved answers as your responses to the Executive

>; questions.


Il sistema ora ci chiede se vogliamo utilizzare un file dove sono state già salvate le scelte per la generazione dell'eseguibile, per la configurazione delle periferiche e per la configurazione dei task non di sistema, rispondiamo di no ad entrambe le domande, alla fine del sysgen questi files verranno generati automaticamente e saranno disponibili nel caso volessimo generare nuovamente il file di sistema in futuro ovviamente con le stesse opzioni di questo.

>* SU020   Do you want to use a saved answer file as input for

>*         the Executive options? [Y/N D:N]: N


>* SU040   Do you want to use a saved answer file as input for

>*         the peripheral configuration? [Y/N D:N]: N


>* SU060   Do you want to use a saved answer file as input for

>*         the nonprivileged task builds? [Y/N D:N]: N


Ora ci viene chiesto se vogliamo solo preparare i files con le preferenze per la geneazione del sistema (vedi sopra), ovviamente no, vogliamo generare il sistema ora. :)

>; A PREPGEN allows you to answer all the SYSGEN questions and create

>; saved answer files without actually generating a system:  no MCR

>; commands are executed, no files are deleted, and the Executive is

>; not assembled or built.


>; After you have successfully completed a PREPGEN, you can perform a

>; SYSGEN using the saved answer files from the PREPGEN.  The SYSGEN

>; will then run unattended.


>* SU080   Do you want to do a PREPGEN? [Y/N D:N]: N


Ora andiamo a definire qual'è il disco dove dobbiamo generare il sistema, il nostro disco è il DB0:.

>; You should have a disk spinning in a disk drive which is a copy of

>; your distribution kit.  This is your target system disk, the disk on

>; which you will perform the SYSGEN.  This disk should already be

>; mounted with the MOUNT command so that you have access to it.


>; Enter the name of the drive containing this disk in the form ddnn:,

>; i.e., DB2:.


>* SU090   Enter the name of the disk drive containing your

>*         target system disk [ddnn:] [S R:2-5]: DB0:













>; The Autoconfigure procedure will attempt to determine your peripheral

>; configuration by examining the device registers contained in the I/O

>; page.  Autoconfigure will print a table of those devices which it

>; finds.  You can either use the Autoconfigure results directly, or

>; you can override them.


>; If you answer Yes to the following question, SYSGEN will run

>; Autoconfigure.  If no results are printed within a few minutes,

>; Autoconfigure has failed and you should reboot your system and

>; restart the SYSGEN.  Next time do not use Autoconfigure.


>; Note:  If you have already run a PREPGEN or SYSGEN during which you

>; ran Autoconfigure, and you are using the saved answer files from that

>; GEN, it is not necessary to run Autoconfigure again.


Ora diciamo al SYSGEN di utilizzare l'autoconfigurazione per trovare gli indirizzi delle varie periferiche e/o dispositivi configurati, come vedremo successivamente ci chiederà conferma di alcune cose e per quanto riguarda la perforatrice di schede ci chiederà l'indirizzo completo, dopo l'autoconfigurazione ci viene mostrata la mappa del sistema.

>* SU100   Do you want to run Autoconfigure on the host system

>*         hardware? [Y/N D:N]: Y


>; Running Autoconfigure:






Processor Type:  11/93          Memory Size:  2044. Kw


        Floating Point Processor (FP11)
        Extended Instruction Set (EIS)
        Extended (22-Bit) Addressing
        Cache Memory
        Parity Memory

Name    Vector     CSR      Unit    Type      Remark
RHA      254      176700                      Mixed MASSBUS devices
                             0      RP06    
                             1      RP06    
                             2      RP06    
                             3      RP06    
                             4      RM03    
                             5      RM03    
                             6      RM03    
                             7      RM03    
DLA      160      174400                    
                             0      RL02    
                             1      RL02    
                             2      RL02    
                             3      RL02    
DUA      154      172150                    
                             0      RD54    
                             1      RD54    
                             2      RD54    
                             3      RX50    
MUA      260      174500                    
                             0      TK50    
                             1      TK50    
MSA      224      172522                    
DXA      264      177170                    
LPA      200      177514                    
PPA      074      177554                    
PRA      070      177550                    
YLA      060      177560                    
YZA      300      160100                    
YZB      310      160110                    



>; If you choose to override the Autoconfigure results, SYSGEN asks all

>; the peripheral configuration questions using the Autoconfigure

>; results as defaults for the questions.  This allows you to examine

>; and change the Autoconfigure results.


>; If you do not choose to override the Autoconfigure results, SYSGEN

>; uses the Autoconfigure results as the responses to the appropriate

>; questions, and does not ask you those questions.


Vogliamo ignorare i dati ricavati dall'autoconfigurazione? E chi siamo noi per dubitare dell'autoconfigurazione!? :D :D :D Ok, rispondiamo ovviamente di no.
E poi rispondiamo di si chiedendo di effettuare un SYSGEN completo.

>* SU110   Do you want to override the Autoconfigure results? [Y/N D:N]: N


>; You can:


>;    o  do a complete SYSGEN


>;    o  continue a previous SYSGEN from where you left off


>;    o  do an individual section of SYSGEN



>; A complete SYSGEN consists of:


>;Choosing Executive options

>;Choosing Peripheral Configuration


>;Assembling the Executive and Drivers


>;Building the Executive and Drivers

>;Building the Privileged Tasks

>;Building the Nonprivileged Tasks


>;Creating the System Image File


>; If you do not choose to do a complete SYSGEN, you can continue

>; a previous SYSGEN from where you left off or do an individual

>; section of SYSGEN.


>* SU120   Do you want to do a complete SYSGEN? [Y/N D:Y]: Y










Bene, ora andremo a definire le caratteristiche del core del sistema RSX-11M-PLUS, il SYSGEN ci dice su quale file salverà le nostre preferenze per poi eventualmente essere riutilizzate in caso di una nuova generazione del sistema (vedi sopra).

Per prima cosa ci viene chiesto di inserire un mnemonico che ci aiuti a ricordare per quale sistema stiamo configurando il core e con quali caratteristiche, io ho scelto "GEN_FOR_SIMH_PDP11/93", ovviamente ognuno può inserire quello che vuole:


>;  Choosing Executive Options      19-MAR-20 at 16:28





>; The answers to the questions in this section are put in the saved

>; answer file [200,200]SYSGENSA1.CMD.


>; You may now enter a comment describing the system you are building.

>; This comment is included in the SYSGENSA1 saved answer file for

>; documentation, and is printed out when the saved answer file is

>; later used as input.


>; Enter a comment for inclusion in the SYSGENSA1 saved answer file.

>; The comment may contain more than one line.  The "V" in the right

>; margin below marks the maximum line length.  When you are done,

>; press RETURN in response to the prompt.

>;                                                                             V

>* Comment [S R:0.-55.]: GEN_FOR_SIMH_PDP11/93

>* Comment [S R:0.-55.]:


>; The following RSX-11M-PLUS Executives may be generated:


>;    oFull-functionality Executive


>;    oUser-tailored Executive



>; The Full-functionality Executive includes all features of the

>; RSX-11M-PLUS operating system that can be used on your processor.


>;Executive data space support

>;User data space support

>;Task headers out of pool support

>;Extended logical name support

>;Supervisor-mode library support

>;Fast map facility

>;All DIGITAL-supplied drivers are loadable

>;ICB pool size of 128. words

>;Shadow recording/load sharing support

>;Floating point processor (FPU) support

>;Disk data caching support

>;Console driver support

>;Accounting support

>;Batch processor support

>;Queue Manager for spooling

>;DIGITAL Command Language and alternate CLI support

>;CTRL/C abort support

>;Extended security support

>;Alternate checkpoint algorithm support

>;High performance FCP

>;File windows in secondary pool support

>;Decimal version numbers in file specifications

>;Virtual terminal support with a default virtual terminal

>;   unit buffer size of 120. bytes and a maximum of 184. bytes

>;Character translation support

>;Terminal driver extended I/O support

>;Time-out on unsolicited terminal input of 30. seconds



>;The User-tailored Executive will require you to answer at least

>;twenty additional questions specifying which standard RSX-11M-PLUS

>;features you wish to disable.  You should not choose the User-tailored

>;Executive unless you need to disable specific RSX-11M-PLUS features.



>;For information and guidelines on generating a User-tailored Executive,

>;please refer to the RSX-11M-PLUS System Generation and Installation



>;If you do not understand the options presented by the system

>;generation process when configuring an Executive yourself, please

>;select the Full-functionality Executive.



Ora ci viene chiesto se vogliano un core con piene funzionalità, ovviamente si.

>* CE020   Do you want the Full-functionality Executive? [Y/N D:Y]: Y


>; If a primary pool failure occurs, this option will allow the

>; the system to utilize ICB pool space as a secondary source to

>; be able to attempt to resolve the pool allocation failure.


>; Some applications may have to be aware of this possibility, or

>; undefined results may occur. All supported software products

>; are aware of this change, and do function correctly if this option

>; is chosen.


Non andiamo a definire il pool di backup.

>* CE115   Do you want to use ICB pool as backup for primary pool ? [Y/N D:N]: N


Ovviamente diciamo che vogliamo il supporto per il software di networking.

>; Network software provides the capability of simultaneously

>; operating tasks on different systems to establish logical

>; communication links and to exchange data.  This software is

>; not provided with RSX-11M-PLUS, but must be purchased separately.


>; If you choose this option, DCL and alternate CLI support will

>; also be included.


>* CE120   Do you want support for communications products

>*         (such as DECnet, PSI, and LAT)? [Y/N D:N]: Y


E ora diamo il nome al nostro sistema, EMULO nel nostro caso, voi scegliete il nome del vostro sistema, massimo 6 caratteri.

>; The system name is an arbitrary six-character name.

>; This should be the same as the DECnet node name, if any.


>* CE130   What is the system name? [S R:0-6 D:"RSXMPL"]: EMULO


Ora andiamo a definire come vogliamo gestire data e ora.

>; This option determines if dates should be displayed according to

>; ISO 8601 format specification.


>; For example; if the date February 1, 2000 should be displayed

>; as 2000-02-01



>* CE215   Do you want the default date format to be

>*         ISO 8601:1988 compliant? [Y/N D:N]: N


>; This option determines if dates should be displayed as two or four

>; digits. For example; if the year January 1, 2000 should be displayed

>; as 1-JAN-00, or 1-JAN-2000.


>; If you specify Yes, the default date format will be;




>; otherwise the default date format will be;




>* CE216   Do you want the default date format to include

>*         a four digit year? [Y/N D:N]: Y


Ora andiamo a definire un po di opzioni, vi lascio alla descrizione che fornisce il SYSGEN per capire cosa stiamo andando a scegliere.

>; The IP11 industrial I/O subsystem is a combined software and

>; hardware package used for process control and monitoring in

>; the industrial and manufacturing environment.  It consists

>; of an RSX device driver (IPDRV) and a set of FORTRAN-callable

>; interface routines, used to interface to a variety of hardware

>; I/O modules, including digital sense interrupt, change-of-state,

>; digital output, digital-to-analog converter, and analog-to-digital

>; converter modules.


>; See the IP11 I/O Subsystem Software Installation Guide for

>; information on installing the software.


>* CE264   Do you want IP11 industrial I/O subsystem support? [Y/N D:N]: N


>; The Executive Debugging Tool (XDT) provides a subset of ODT-11

>; that runs as a part of the RSX-11M-PLUS Executive.  This tool

>; allows interactive debugging of Executive modules, I/O drivers,

>; and interrupt service routines.  Selection of this option also

>; includes consistency checks in the dynamic memory routines and

>; the loader.


>; Note:  If your system does not have Executive data space support,

>; XDT will reduce the size of primary pool.  If your system does

>; have Executive data space support, XDT does not affect the size

>; of pool.


>* CE270   Do you want to include XDT? [Y/N D:N]: N


>; If the system crashes, a message is printed on the crash

>; notification device.  This device must be a paper tape,

>; teletype, or line printer compatible device; that is, the

>; device must transmit a single byte at a time.  Normally,

>; the crash notification device is the console terminal which

>; is always at the default CSR address given below.


>* CE280   Enter the crash notification device CSR

>*         address [O R:160000-177700 D:177564]: <Invio>


>; If the system crashes, you can cause all of memory to be written

>; onto a device for later analysis with the Crash Dump Analyzer (CDA).


>; The device on which the crash dump is written must be selected from

>; the following list of devices and cannot be a fixed media device:


>;DB:      DM:      MM:

>;DD:      DR:      MS:

>;DK:      DT:      MT:

>;DL:      DU:      MU:


>; Note:  Enter both the device and the logical unit number.

>;        For example, MM0: or DL1:.


>; Note:  Enter XX: if you desire loadable DU:, DL:, MU:, MS: or MM:

>;        crash driver support.


Andremo a scrivere il dump a seguito di un crash di sistema sul disco DL0: (Cartuccia RL11), i crash possono poi essere analizzati con il comando CDA (Crash Dump Analysis tool).
Inoltre andremo a definire 4 dischi virtuali che possono essere utili per vari motivi, poi importante per il clock di sistema definire che stiamo alimentando con corrente a 50Hz.

>* CE290   On what device and unit do you want crash dumps

>*         to be written? [S R:2-6]: DL0:


>; Virtual disks allow the system to better manage large amounts

>; of storage. If you expect to hardware of software boot virtual

>; drives, select the maximum depth of virtual devices which will

>; be booted.


>* CE300   Enter the initial number of virtual disks to be

>*         included [D R:0.-16. D:2.]: 4


>; Some PDP-11/44 and PDP-11/84 systems are configured with UNIBUS

>; memory which disables some UNIBUS Map registers. If support for

>; UNIBUS memory is selected, then special UNIBUS memory partitons

>; are supported, and specific UMR resources reserved when UNIBUS

>; memory is detected on the system. If your system does not contain

>; any memory devices on the UNIBUS, this option will have no effect.


>* CE315   Support UNIBUS memory occupying UNIBUS map address space? [Y/N D:N]: N


>; RSX-11M-PLUS requires a real-time clock for its operation.  The

>; KW11-P programmable frequency clock, the KW11-L line frequency

>; clock, or the DL11-W line frequency clock/console interface may

>; be used.


>* CE330   Is your system clock programmable (KW11-P)? [Y/N D:N]: N


>; Line frequency is either 50 or 60 Hz.  In the U.S.A., line frequency

>; is always 60 Hz.


>* CE350   Is your line frequency 50 Hz? [Y/N D:N]: Y




Ora passiamo alla parte di generazione delle periferiche, come per l'eseguibile ci viene chiesto un nome mnemonico identificativo, per il resto la gran parte prende i dati dal precedente processo di autoconfigurazione.


>;  Choosing Peripheral Configuration      19-MAR-20 at 16:32





>; The answers to the questions in this section are put in the saved

>; answer file [200,200]SYSGENSA2.CMD.


>; You may now enter a comment describing the system you are building.

>; This comment is included in the SYSGENSA2 saved answer file for

>; documentation, and is printed out when the saved answer file is

>; later used as input.


>; Enter a comment for inclusion in the SYSGENSA2 saved answer file.

>; The comment may contain more than one line.  The "V" in the right

>; margin below marks the maximum line length.  When you are done,

>; press RETURN in response to the prompt.

>;                                                                             V

>* Comment [S R:0.-55.]: GEN_FOR_SIMH_PDP11/93

>* Comment [S R:0.-55.]:



>;   DB:    controllers: RH11, RH70devices: RP04, RP05, RP06, RM06



>;   DR:    controllers: RH11, RH70devices: RM02, RM06

>;                       RH70         RM03, RM05, RM06, RM80, RP07


>;  RH Configuration


>; Physical Unit Number


>; 01234567


>; RHADB0:DB1:DB2:DB3:DR0:DR1:DR2:DR3:





>;   DL:    controllers: RL11, RLV12devices: RL01, RL02


>;  DL Configuration


>; Physical Unit Number


>; 01234567


>; DLADL0:DL1:DL2:DL3:




>;   DU:    controllers: RQZX1, RQDX1, RQDX2, RQDX3,

>;                       RUX50, RQC25, KDA50, UDA50


>;          devices:     RX33, RX50, RD31, RD51, RD52, RD53, RD54,

>;                       RC25, RA60, RA70, RA71, RA72, RA80, RA81,

>;                       RA82, RA90, RA92, RZ23L, RZ24L, RZ26x, RZ29B


>;   The total of DU and MU controllers cannot be greater than 10.



>;   MU:    controllers: TK50, TU81, TU81E, TQ81E, RQZX1


>;   VF:    Virtual disk/tape driver




>;   CR:    controllers: CM11, CR11


>; The CR11 card reader reads EIA standard 80-column punched data

>; cards at  300  cards  per  minute.  It uses a riffle-air and a

>; vacuum-pick mechanism to move the cards.  The CM11-F reads 80-

>; column mark-sense cards, which can have punched holes, at  285

>; cards per minute.


Non abbiamo configurato lettori di schede perforate quindi mettiamo 0, poi inseriamo i valori in grassetto fino alla definizione della stampante.

>* CP4004  How many CM/CR11 card readers do you have? [O D:0]: 0



>;   MS:    controllers: TS11, TU80, TSV05, TK25



>;   DX:    controller:  RX11device:  RX01



>;   LP:    controllers: LA180, LN01, LP11, LS11, LV11

>;          devices:     LA180, LG01, LG02, LN01, LP01, LP02, LP04, LP05,

>;                       LP06,  LP07, LP14, LP25, LP26, LP27, LS11, LV01


>; If a task tries to access the line printer when the device is not

>; ready, a message saying the line printer is not ready is printed

>; on the console terminal.  This message is repeated every n seconds,

>; where n is your response to this question, for as long as the line

>; printer remains not ready.


>; Enter zero to disable this feature and suppress the messages.


>* CP5408  Enter the number of seconds between

>*         line printer-not-ready messages [D R:0.-255. D:15.]: <invio>


>; Here is a table of the valid line printer types and their

>; characteristics:


>;      printer                # of    lines per    supports

>;       type     controller  columns    minute    optimization


>;       LA180     LA180        132          150      no

>;       LG01      LP11         132      240-600      no

>;       LG02      LP11         132      240-600      no

>;       LN01      LN01         132          600      NA

>;       LP01      LP11-F/H      80     170-1110     yes

>;       LP02      LP11-J/K     132     170-1110     yes

>;       LP04      LP11-R/S     132         1110     yes

>;       LP05      LP11-V/W     132          300      no

>;       LP06      LP11-Y/Z     132      460-600      no

>;       LP07      LP11-G       132         1200      no

>;       LP14      LP11-C/D     132      660-900      no

>;       LP25      LP11-A/B     132      215-300      no

>;       LP26      LP11-E       132      445-600      no

>;       LP27      LP11-U       132     800-1200      no

>;       LS11      LS11         132       60-200      no

>;       LV01      LV11         132          500     yes


>; The printer type is used to set two characteristics in the UCB:


>;    o  Column or buffer width


>;       This is settable in VMR or MCR with the SET /BUF command.



>;    o  Fast line printer support


>;       This is an optimization performed by the driver to eliminate

>;       unnecessary print cycles.  This characteristic is not settable

>;       in VMR or MCR.


>;       If you specify the wrong printer type and the driver performs

>;       the optimization for a printer that does not support it, you

>;       will occasionally lose a line of a listing when the printer

>;       is taken off line.


>;       If you specify the wrong printer type and the driver does not

>;       perform the optimization for a printer that supports it, the

>;       printer will run a little slower than it would with the

>;       optimization, but there will be no other adverse effects.


>; If you do not know the correct printer type for your printer, take

>; the default.  This will give you a 132-column printer without fast

>; printer optimization.  Once your system is running, you can change

>; the number of columns if necessary with the MCR SET command.


>* CP5480  Enter line printer type for LPA [S R:4-5 D:"LP25"]: <invio>


>; If this line printer has both uppercase and lowercase characters,

>; answer Yes to this question.  If it only has uppercase characters,

>; answer No.  Your answer determines the initial setting for

>; lowercase character conversion on this printer.  You can change

>; this at any time by using the MCR SET /LOWER command.


>* CP5484  Does LPA have lowercase characters? [Y/N D:N]: Y


Bene, ora dobbiamo definire dove è configurato il controller della perforatrice/lettore di schede, ricordate il comando SHOW CPU IOSPACE dato prima? Bene andiamo a vedere dove sta allocato il controller della stampante:

sim> show cpu iospace
      Address         Vector  BR # Device
-------------------- -------- -- - ------
17777550 - 17777553  070       4 1 PTR

In questo caso ci è utile anche l'output dell'autoconfigurazione, è li che troviamo l'indirizzo e il vettore rilevato:

Name    Vector     CSR      Unit    Type      Remark
PRA      070      177550                    


>;   PP:    controller:  PC11



>;   PR:    controller:  PR11


>; Enter the vector address for this controller.  This vector address

>; can be changed after the SYSGEN by using the VMR CON SET command.


>* CP6068  Enter vector address of the next PR11 [O R:60-774]: 070


>; Enter the CSR address for this controller.  This CSR address can

>; be changed after the SYSGEN by using the VMR CON SET command.


>* CP6072  What is its CSR address? [O R:160000-177700]: 177550

Nessun controller LPA11



>;   LA:    controller:  LPA11


>; The LPA11 lab peripheral accelerator is a real-time subsystem which

>; interfaces to the PDP-11 family of computers.  The system consists

>; of the LPA11, up to 2 A/D converters, a programmable real-time

>; clock, a D/A converter, and up to five digital I/O modules.


>* CP6204  How many LPA11 lab subsystems do you have? [D R:0.-16. D:0.]: 0



Andiamo a definire quali terminali sono collegati ed altre periferiche:

>;   TT:    controllers: DL11, DLV11    controller mnemonic: YL


>; The terminal types supported by RSX-11M-PLUS SYSGEN are:


>;ASR33       LA12        VT05B

>;ASR35       LA30P       VT50

>;            LA30S       VT52

>;DTC01       LA34        VT55

>;            LA36        VT61

>;KSR33       LA38        VT100

>;            LA50        VT101

>;            LA100       VT102

>;            LA120       VT105

>;            LA180S      VT125

>;            LA210       VT131

>;            LN03        VT132

>;            PC3xx       VT2xx


>* CP6832  Enter terminal type for YLA [S R:4-6 D:"LA120"]: VT100



>;   TT:    controller:  DJ11           controller mnemonic: YJ


>; The DJ11 is a multiplexed  interface  between  16  asynchronous

>; serial  data-communications channels and the PDP-11 UNIBUS. The

>; DJ11 is a unit whose character formats and operating speeds are

>; jumper or strap selectable in groups of four lines.


>* CP7204  Enter number of DJ11 asynchronous line

>*         multiplexers [D R:0.-16. D:0.]: <invio>



>;   TT:    controllers: DZ11, DZQ11, DZV11, DFA01    controller mnemonic: YZ


>; The DZ11/DZQ11/DZV11 has the ability to maintain a full-duplex connection

>; through a BELL 103A type modem.  Modem support requires added code in the

>; terminal driver and increases system overhead.  As a result, it should be

>; selected only if needed.


>* CP7420  Do any of the DZ lines require modem support? [Y/N D:N]: Y


>; The valid baud rates are:


>;  50

>;  75

>; 110

>; 134.5

>; 150

>; 300

>; 600










>* CP7428  At which baud rate do you want to answer? [S R:2-5 D:"300"]: 9600


>; The terminal types supported by RSX-11M-PLUS SYSGEN are:


>;ASR33       LA12        VT05B

>;ASR35       LA30P       VT50

>;            LA30S       VT52

>;DTC01       LA34        VT55

>;            LA36        VT61

>;KSR33       LA38        VT100

>;            LA50        VT101

>;            LA100       VT102

>;            LA120       VT105

>;            LA180S      VT125

>;            LA210       VT131

>;            LN03        VT132

>;            PC3xx       VT2xx


>* CP7484  Enter terminal type for YZA [S R:4-6 D:"VT100"]: VT100


>; The terminal types supported by RSX-11M-PLUS SYSGEN are:


>;ASR33       LA12        VT05B

>;ASR35       LA30P       VT50

>;            LA30S       VT52

>;DTC01       LA34        VT55

>;            LA36        VT61

>;KSR33       LA38        VT100

>;            LA50        VT101

>;            LA100       VT102

>;            LA120       VT105

>;            LA180S      VT125

>;            LA210       VT131

>;            LN03        VT132

>;            PC3xx       VT2xx


>* CP7484  Enter terminal type for YZB [S R:4-6 D:"VT100"]: <invio>


>; SYSVMR.CMD, the VMR command file which creates your system image file,

>; contains commands that set the characteristics for each terminal as

>; follows:


>; Terminal type:       as you specified for the controller

>; Buffer width:        80

>; Speed:               300/300 for hardcopy terminals

>;                      9600/9600 for CRTs

>; Lower to upper-

>;   case conversion:   No for hardcopy terminals

>;                      Yes for CRTs


>; If you wish to change these characteristics for your terminals, SYSGEN

>; will allow you to edit SYSVMR.CMD.




Andremo ad installare il prodotto DECNET per la comunciazione ethernet del nostro PDP11 in un secondo momento, quindi qui dobbiamo rispondere NO altrimenti ci sarà impossibile installare la DECNET in un secondo momento.

>; Intercomputer communication devices consist of the following:


>;PCL11full-duplex DMA interprocessor communications


>;DMC11/DMR11high-speed synchronous serial line interface

>;DUP11synchronous serial line interface

>;DEUNAEthernet communications controller


>; Note:  Do NOT include any devices which will be used with DECnet.

>; Those devices should be included when you do your NETGEN.


>* CP7604  Do you have any intercomputer communication devices? [Y/N D:N]: N



Ora andiamo ad accettare tutti i default proposti.

>; Enter device mnemonics for any user-supplied drivers.  The driver

>; source files must reside in [11,10] and be named ddDRV.MAC and

>; ddTAB.MAC where dd is the device mnemonic.


>; You may enter the mnemonics on more than one line.  When you have

>; listed all the drivers, press RETURN when asked for the device

>; mnemonic.


>; The device mnemonic must not include a colon.


>* CP9604  Enter device mnemonics for user-supplied drivers [S]: <invio>



>; If you will be adding other devices after this SYSGEN or have

>; included user-supplied devices, you will want to set the highest

>; interrupt vector address high enough to accommodate the vectors for

>; those devices.


>; The highest vector among the devices you specified in this SYSGEN

>; is 374(octal).  This is the default response for this question.


>* CP9632  What is the highest interrupt vector

>*         address? [O R:374-774 D:374]: <invio>




Inizio della procedura di compilazione ed assemblaggio dell'eseguibile, dopo aver risposto di no ai listing e alla pausa se avete un sistema lento prendetevi pure una pausa. :)


>;  Assembling the Executive and Drivers      19-MAR-20 at 16:40





>; The answers to the questions in this section are put in the saved

>; answer file [200,200]SYSGENSA1.CMD.





>; Copy the files created by the Executive options and peripheral

>; configuration sections into the correct directories.


>SET /UIC=[1,24]

>PIP [11,10]/NV=[200,200]RSXMC.MAC

>PIP [11,10]/NV=[200,200]SYSTB.MAC

>PIP [11,24]/NV=[200,200]RSXASM.CMD

>PIP [11,24]/NV=[200,200]DRIVERS.ASM



>; Assembly listings of the Executive modules and the drivers can be

>; generated and stored in a file or printed directly.


>; Generating listings is time-consuming and they are not normally

>; needed, so we recommend you answer No to this question.


>* AE010   Do you want assembly listings of the Executive and

>*         drivers? [Y/N D:N]: N





>; If you are building a specialized system you may wish to edit

>; some of the files which SYSGEN produced before the Executive

>; and drivers are assembled.


>* AE030   Do you wish to pause to edit any files before

>*         assembling? [Y/N D:N]: N


>SET /UIC=[11,24]


>; Now we assemble the Executive and resident drivers.


>PIP *.OBJ;*/DE/NM,*.TTY;*


16:41:20 19-MAR-20




>; Now we assemble the loadable drivers.


17:08:57 19-MAR-20




17:31:46 19-MAR-20


>; Now we build the concatenated object module file for the Executive.





>SET /UIC=[200,200]



>SET /UIC=[1,24]





>; Now we build the Executive library.


>LBR RSX11M/CR:256.::256./-EP=[11,24]RSX11M.OBS

>PIP [11,24]RSX11M.OBS;*,*.OBJ;*/DE


>; Now we build the terminal driver library.


>LBR TTDRV/CR:40.:392.:128.=[11,24]TTDRV.OBS

>PIP [11,24]TTDRV.OBS;*,*.TTY;*/DE

>SET /UIC=[200,200]





>;  Building the Executive and Drivers      19-MAR-20 at 17:32





>; The answers to the questions in this section are put in the saved

>; answer file [200,200]SYSGENSA1.CMD.



>; Allocate space to be used later for the system image file.


>SET /UIC=[1,54]



>SET /UIC=[200,200]


>SET /UIC=[1,24]

>SET /UIC=[200,200]

>SET /UIC=[1,54]



>SET /UIC=[200,200]


>; At this point, you can edit:


>;the Executive task-build command files in [200,200]

>;the driver task-build command files in [200,200]

>;the privileged task task-build command files in [1,24]

>;SYSVMR.CMD in [1,54]


>; In most cases there is no need to edit the task-build command files.

>; However, you may want to tailor SYSVMR for your system.


>* BE030   Do you want to pause to edit any files before

>*         task-building? [Y/N D:N]:


>SET /UIC=[1,24]

>PIP [1,24]/NV/NM=[200,200]RSXBLD.CMD,RSX11M,DSP11M,LDR11M

>PIP [1,24]/NV=[200,200]DIR11M.CMD,DR211M,DIRCOM,DR2COM,DIR

>PIP [1,24]/NV=[200,200]DR311M.CMD,DR411M,DR3COM,DR4COM

>PIP [1,24]/NV=[200,200]VEC11M.CMD,DCM11M,VECCOM


>; Now we build the Executive.


17:36:04 19-MAR-20




>; Now we build the loadable drivers


17:43:11 19-MAR-20


>TKB @[200,200]DRIVERS.BLD


17:45:11 19-MAR-20

>SET /UIC=[200,200]





>;  Building the Privileged Task      19-MAR-20 at 17:45





>; The answers to the questions in this section are put in the saved

>; answer file [200,200]SYSGENSA1.CMD.



>; Maps of the privileged tasks can be generated and stored in a file

>; or printed directly.


>; Maps of the privileged tasks are not normally needed, so we

>; recommend you answer No to this question.


>* BP040   Do you want the maps of the privileged tasks? [Y/N D:N]: N




>SET /UIC=[1,24]


17:45:34 19-MAR-20




17:47:00 19-MAR-20



>SET /UIC=[200,200]





>;  Rebuilding Supplied System Tasks      19-MAR-20 at 17:47





>; The answers to the questions in this section are put in the saved

>; answer file [200,200]SYSGENSA3.CMD.



>; All nonprivileged and vectored privileged system tasks are supplied

>; already task-built and can be found in the library UFD on the target

>; system disk.  It is not normally necessary to rebuild these supplied

>; system tasks although you may wish to do so, for example if one of

>; them has been patched.


>* BN010   Do you want to rebuild any system tasks? [Y/N D:N]: N




CI SIAMO!!!! :)


>;  Creating the System Image File      19-MAR-20 at 17:48




>SET /UIC=[1,54]








>; Utility tasks stay in utility UFD [3,54].


>; RSX11M.TSK is a backup copy of the Executive you just built.



>; VMR will now initialize the system.



Loading Executive data space
Data space loading completed
VMR -- *DIAG*-Installed tasks or commons may no longer fit in partition
VMR -- *DIAG*-Loadable driver larger than 4K
VMR -- *DIAG*-Installed tasks or commons may no longer fit in partition
SECPOL 117734 00173700 00100000  SEC POOL
SYSPAR 117670 00273700 00205500  MAIN
       117624 00273700 00115200  RO COM !DIR11M!
       117434 00411100 00005200  TASK   [...LDR]
       117230 00416300 00033500  TASK   [MCR...]
       117024 00452000 00010500  TASK   [TKTN  ]
       116620 00462500 00003200  TASK   [SHF...]
       116414 00465700 00013500  TASK   [RCT...]
DRVPAR 116334 00501400 00173600  MAIN
       116270 00501400 00006600  RO COM !TTEXT !
       116204 00510200 00020600  RO COM !TTCOM !
       116120 00531000 00035000  DRIVER (TT:)
       115320 00566000 00003500  DRIVER (DL:)
       115254 00571500 00005100  RO COM !PUCOM !
       114454 00576600 00014000  DRIVER (DU:)
       114120 00612600 00011500  DRIVER (MU:)
       113610 00624300 00005300  DRIVER (MS:)
       113300 00631600 00001700  DRIVER (DX:)
       113060 00633500 00001300  DRIVER (LP:)
       112640 00635000 00000500  DRIVER (PP:)
       112254 00635500 00000400  DRIVER (PR:)
       112064 00636100 00000100  DRIVER (NL:)
       112020 00636200 00004700  DRIVER (DB:)
       111754 00643100 00005500  DRIVER (DR:)
       111710 00650600 00017700  DRIVER (VF:)
       111644 00670500 00000300  DRIVER (CO:)
       111600 00671000 00002500  DRIVER (VT:)
       111534 00673500 00001500  DRIVER (RD:)
GEN    111470 00675200 17062600  MAIN
...LDR 12.01  117500  SYSPAR 248. 00005200 LB0:-00145401 FIXED
TKTN   07.01  117070  SYSPAR 248. 00010500 LB0:-00056556 FIXED
F11MSG 15.00  107410  GEN    200. 00006300 LB0:-00045045
MTAACP 17.00  107014  GEN    200. 00016200 LB0:-00051525
SHE... 06.01  106544  GEN    200. 00014500 LB0:-00055174
MCR... 07.00  117274  SYSPAR 160. 00033500 LB0:-00050504 FIXED
F11ACP 07.00D 111254  GEN    149. 00041000 LB0:-00043565
ERRLOG 05.03  110714  GEN    148. 00056200 LB0:-00043433
PMT... 02.02  110254  GEN    148. 00007500 LB0:-00052435
COT... 02.04  107534  GEN    145. 00014300 LB0:-00037671
HRC... 05.00  107140  GEN    140. 00042500 LB0:-00045631
PMD... 07.05  106670  GEN    140. 00017600 LB0:-00052405
SYSLOG 04.03  110004  GEN    130. 00024500 LB0:-00055434
SHF... 07.01  116664  SYSPAR 105. 00003200 LB0:-00055213 FIXED
RCT... 06.02  116460  SYSPAR 100. 00013500 LB0:-00053100 FIXED
FXR... 03.02  107264  GEN    100. 00003300 LB0:-00045037
BAP0   04.11  111040  GEN     80. 00050300 LB0:-00035350
QMG... 06.04  110130  GEN     75. 00037300 LB0:-00053037
LP0    07.04  110474  GEN     70. 00020300 LB0:-00050022
ACNT   06.04  107660  GEN     50. 00057100 LB0:-00034736
SHUTUP 04.04  106420  GEN     50. 00016500 LB0:-00055220
...RMD 05.00  001775+ GEN    225. 00042000 LB0:-00053122
...DCL 06.01  001751+ GEN    160. 00062500 LB0:-00040175
...DMO 04.02  001753+ GEN    160. 00017300 LB0:-00041150
...MCR 07.00  001767+ GEN    160. 00040300 LB0:-00050542
...MOU 26.06  001771+ GEN    160. 00045600 LB0:-00051434
...CA. 01.00  002025+ GEN    150. 00026100 LB0:-00055463
...INS 16.00  001765+ GEN    100. 00053200 LB0:-00046516
...SAV 11.00  002021+ GEN    100. 00070500 LB0:-00150110
...UFD 07.02  002027+ GEN    100. 00014500 LB0:-00056571
...VCP V04.10 002031+ GEN     90. 00020300 LB0:-00056757
...ACS 04.00  002003+ GEN     70. 00006200 LB0:-00035171
...ACC 05.00  001743+ GEN     65. 00032100 LB0:-00034477
...SHA 06.01  002023+ GEN     65. 00032000 LB0:-00055021
...AT. 10.0   001757+ GEN     64. 00056500 LB0:-00046102
...INI 24.00  001761+ GEN     60. 00037200 LB0:-00046422
...HOM 24.00  001763+ GEN     60. 00037200 LB0:-00046422
...BRO 09.10  001745+ GEN     50. 00041500 LB0:-00035476
...BYE 05.01  001747+ GEN     50. 00021700 LB0:-00036002
...HEL 06.00  001755+ GEN     50. 00031600 LB0:-00045175
...PIP 21.00  001773+ GEN     50. 00027500 LB0:-00052132
...UNL 05.04  001777+ GEN     50. 00021500 LB0:-00056705
...ACD 03.00  002001+ GEN     50. 00042500 LB0:-00034570
...BOO 03.10  002005+ GEN     50. 00047200 LB0:-00035276
...CON 05.00  002007+ GEN     50. 00135600 LB0:-00037467
...ELI 04.03  002011+ GEN     50. 00032600 LB0:-00043376
...LOA 05.03  002013+ GEN     50. 00040000 LB0:-00047625
...MAG 03.00  002015+ GEN     50. 00037300 LB0:-00050442
...PSW 03.02  002017+ GEN     50. 00017500 LB0:-00052522


>; When you are finished with SYSGEN, software boot in your target

>; system.  Set the date and time, and save the system without any

>; switches to verify that the system is working.  Then save the

>; system again, this time with the /WB switch to make it hardware

>; bootable.


>; The optional SAVE switches are:


>;/WBwrites the boot block

>;/SFILE="filename" uses "filename" as the startup file

>;/MOU="mount-switches"specifies mount switches to be used

>;when the system volume is mounted


>; For example:


>;>BOOT [1,54]RSX11M.SYS

>;RSX-11M-PLUS V3.0  BL24



>; TIM 19-APR-85 12:00:00



>;  RSX-11M-PLUS V3.0  BL24   256.K System:"MJTOAD"

>;>RED DB:=SY:

>;>RED DB:=LB:

>;>RED DB:=SP:






>;>* Please enter time and date (HH:MM MM/DD/YY) [S]: ^Z

>;>@ <EOF>

>;>SAV /WB


>;  RSX-11M-PLUS V3.0  BL24   256.K System:"MJTOAD"

>;>RED DB:=SY:

>;>RED DB:=LB:

>;>RED DB:=SP:






>;>* Please enter time and date (HH:MM MM/DD/YY) [S]: 12:01 4/19/85

>;>TIME 12:01 4/19/85

>;>ACS SY:/BLKS=1024.





>;>@ <EOF>

>;>SET /UIC=[1,54]

>;>PIP [2,54]*.*;*/DE



>; You may wish to edit [1,2]STARTUP.CMD and [1,2]QMGSTART.CMD

>; to reflect your desired initialization operations.


>SET /UIC=[200,200]








>; End of SYSGEN


17:49:14 19-MAR-20


>ASN =


>@ <EOF>


Bene ora abbiamo un bel RSX11M.SYS nuovo nuovo nella directory [1,54].
Ora è necessario effettuare il boot del nuovo core e poi aggiornare il boot block del disco con l'indicazione di efefttuare il boot dal core appena generato.

>BOOT [1,54]RSX11M

RSX-11M-PLUS V4.6   BL87 

> ^Z

RSX-11M-PLUS V4.6  BL87   2044.KW  System:"EMULO "








>;If you have not yet read the system release notes, please do so

>;now before attempting to perform a SYSGEN or to utilize the new

>;features of this system.



>* Please enter time and date (Default:19-MAR-2020 18:09) [S]: <invio>

>ACS SY:/BLKS=1024.



>CLI /INIT=DCL/CTRLC/DPR="<15><12>/$ /"
















>@ <EOF>


Il SYSGEN è terminato ed abbiamo correttamente impostato il boot block del disco DB0: (RP0)ora usciamo dall'utente 200 ed entriamo nel sistema come utente amministratore (Utente SYSTEM, password SYSTEM):


Have a Good Evening
19-MAR-2020 18:10 TT0:  logged off EMULO 
Account or name: SYSTEM

RSX-11M-PLUS V4.6   BL87    [1,54] System    EMULO 
19-MAR-2020 18:10  Logged on Terminal TT0:  as SYS1

Good Evening

*                                                               *
*                    Welcome to RSX-11M-PLUS                    *
*                                                               *
*                  Version 4.6  Base level 87                   *
*                This is file LB:[1,2]LOGIN.TXT                 *
*                                                               *


Diamo un occhiata se si vedono tutti i dispositivi.

DB0: Public Mounted Loaded Label=RSX11MPBL87 Type=RP06 
 Seek_Optimization=Nearest:10. Overlapped_Seeks

DB1: Loaded Type=RP06 
 Seek_Optimization=Nearest:10. Overlapped_Seeks

DB2: Loaded Type=RP06 
 Seek_Optimization=Nearest:10. Overlapped_Seeks

DB3: Loaded Type=RP06 
 Seek_Optimization=Nearest:10. Overlapped_Seeks

DR0: Loaded Type=RM03 
 Seek_Optimization=Nearest:10. Overlapped_Seeks

DR1: Loaded Type=RM03 
 Seek_Optimization=Nearest:10. Overlapped_Seeks

DR2: Loaded Type=RM03 
 Seek_Optimization=Nearest:10. Overlapped_Seeks

DR3: Loaded Type=RM03 
 Seek_Optimization=Nearest:10. Overlapped_Seeks

VF0: Offline Loaded Type=unknown
VF1: Offline Loaded Type=unknown
VF2: Offline Loaded Type=unknown
VF3: Offline Loaded Type=unknown
CO0: TT0: Loaded
TT0: [1,1]       [1,1] - Logged in  Loaded
TT1: Loaded
TT2: Loaded
TT3: Loaded
TT4: Loaded
TT5: Loaded
TT6: Loaded
TT7: Loaded
TT10: Loaded
VT0: Loaded
VT1: Loaded
RD0: Loaded
DL0: Loaded Type=RL02 

DL1: Loaded Type=RL02 

DL2: Loaded Type=RL02 

DL3: Loaded Type=RL02 

DU0: Loaded Type=RD54 
DU1: Loaded Type=RD54 
DU2: Loaded Type=RD54 
DU3: Loaded Type=RX50 
MU0: Loaded Type=TK50 
MS0: Loaded Type=TSV05
DX0: Loaded Type=RX01 
DX1: Loaded Type=RX01 
LP0: DB0: Spooled Loaded
PP0: Offline Loaded
PR0: Loaded
PR1: Loaded
NL0: Loaded
CL0: TT0:
SP0: DB0:
LB0: DB0:
SY0: DB0:


Bene, a questo punto possiamo fermare il sistema.
Nel prossimo tutorial vedremo come ampliare la partizione secondaria fino al massimo della memoria disponibile.



RSX-11M-PLUS Shut down program

Enter minutes to wait before shutdown: 0

Reason for shutdown (<CR> for none):

OK to shutdown? [Y/N]: Y

All further logins are disabled

19-MAR-2020 18:11 System is now shutting down -- EMULO



18:11:46  SYSLOG -- 47. Exiting



>@ <EOF>



ACS -- Checkpoint file now inactive


DMO -- System disk being dismounted

DMO -- SYSTEM  dismounted from DB0:    *** Final dismount initiated ***

18:11:49  *** DB0:  -- Dismount complete


SHUTUP operation complete

HALT instruction, PC: 126130 (CLRB @#177776)
sim> Q
Eth: closed wlan0

Ampliamento SECPAR
Torna a Installazione RSX-11M-PLUS
Torna su PDP 11
Torna su DEC
Torna su Mimac