HPT with Perl support Frequently Asked Questions Q: What files does hpt need to support perl? A: (DK) ActiveState Perl library (Perl56.dll) and MS Visual C run-time library (msvcrt.dll) Q: I've installed libraries but perl script doesn't work. Why? A: (DK) If you use system (standard) Perl modules you need Perl to be installed into your system (http://www.activestate.com, download and install build 623 or above) Q: Am I able to use another perl interpreter instead of ActiveState Perl? A: (DK) Yes you can, but you should modify code by yourself like in current code. Q: Why sub hpt_exit cannot be called sometimes? A: (DK) This function is called only if other perl hooks had been called before. Q: Can I compile hpt with perl support, but perl56.dll is to be used only when Q: it's needed? A: (DK) Yes. See config statement 'HptPerlFile' Legend: ------- DK: Dmitriy Kazimirow, 2:5004/73