Content-type: text/html Manpage of HPT


Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: Highly Portable Tosser (v1.9.0)
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hpt - toss pkt files to squish/msg/jam bases and export messages  


Toss pkt files from inbound
hpt toss
Toss messages from badarea (force)
hpt toss -b[f]
Scan echomail messages
hpt scan
Scan echomail messages without HighWaters of position
hpt scan -w
Scan only the echo areas listed in this file
hpt scan -f <file>
(see info hpt for more details)

Scan echomail messages from the areas matching <pattern>
hpt scan -a <pattern>
Pack netmail messages
hpt pack
Pack netmail only from the areas matching <pattern>
hpt pack -a <pattern>
Pack netmail only from the areas listed in this file
hpt pack -f <file>
Link echomail messages
hpt link [areamask]
Link jam echomail areas using CRC (quicker)
hpt link -j [areamask]
Process areafix
hpt afix [-f] [-s] [<addr> command]
    - send command to our areafix from the name of <addr>
      -f - also send the same command to the link's areafix
      -s - do not send reply from our areafix to the link
hpt qupd - update queue file and do some areafix jobs
hpt qrep - make report based on information from the queue file
hpt qrep -d - make report containing only changes
Refresh subscription for all echo areas we are subscribed at <addr>
hpt relink <addr>
Refresh subscription for the areas matching the pattern
hpt relink <pattern> <addr>
Refresh subscription only for the areas listed in this file
hpt relink -f [file] <addr>
Move subscription for the areas matching the pattern from one link to another
hpt resubscribe <pattern> <fromaddr> <toaddr>
Move subscription from one link to another for the areas matching the patterns listed in this file with one pattern on a line
hpt resubscribe -f [file] <fromaddr> <toaddr>
Post a message to area
hpt post [options] file options are:
      -nf "name from"
message sender's name, if not defined post uses sysop name (see fidoconfig)
      -nt "name to"
message receiver's name, if not defined post uses "All"
      -af "address from"
message sender's address, if not defined post uses the first system address (see fidoconfig)
      -at "address to"
message receiver's address, MUST BE PRESENT FOR NETMAIL
      -s "subject"
subject line. If not defined, then assumed to be empty
      -e "echo area"
area to post echomail message into. If not defined, message is posted to the first netmail area
      -z "tearline"
tearline. If not defined, then assumed to be no tearline at all. Use -z "" to post with empty tearline
      -o "origin"
origin. If not defined, then assumed to be the station name from config-file
      -f flag(s)
flags to set to the posted msg. Possible ones are: pvt, crash, read, sent, att, fwd, orphan, k/s, loc, hld, xx2, frq, rrq, cpt, arq, urq. Use flags like this: pvt loc k/s OR pvt,loc,k/s OR "pvt loc k/s"
      -x export message to echo links
      -d erase input file after posting
      -u[size] uue-multipart posting
size - number of lines per section(150 for default)
      -h get help
      file - text file to post into echo or "-" for stdin

Set pause for links who don't poll our system
hpt pause
(see info hpt for AutoPassive)

Quiet mode (no screen output)
hpt -q
Set config-file name, if needed
hpt -c /path/to/config


Highly Portable Tosser is the way to toss your fidonet mail.  


I suppose there are :). So, report them in FIDOSOFT.HUSKY or RU.HUSKY echo area, if you found any.
Every time you have changed the configuration file please run tparser to see if your config is valid...  


1997-1999: Matthias Tichy, 2:2432/645 (
1999-2002: Max Levenkov, 2:5000/117 (




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Time: 05:21:15 GMT, February 13, 2021